Sometimes, Absent-Mindedness and Confusion Isn’t a Symptom Of Dementia

A majority of people have a tendency to forget things and often they laugh them off, saying that they are having a senior moment or confessing that they have a lot on their mind. However, when a senior loved one starts to show indications of absent-mindedness, it isn’t surprising if we begin to wonder if this is an indication of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. But periods of absent-mindedness, confusion, or behavior changes are not always an indication of dementia. The issues could be rooted in something physical and curable – dedicated live in (24hr) home care in New Jersey for your loved one may provide the oversight they need to get back into shape.

live in (24hr) home care

Here are four states that can make someone to become absent-minded or confused:

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI):
Urinary tract infections are normal for seniors, and may not display the same signs that somebody younger will. An elderly with a UTI may undergo fever, agitation, confusion, or even illusions. A straightforward course of antibiotics, liquids, and proper rest may absolutely overturn these signs.

Thyroid ailment:
Thyroid associated signs can include anxiety, forgetfulness, lethargy and depression – and it is projected that as many as fifteen million seniors have non-diagnosed thyroid ailment. A blood test and some medications are all required to clear this misconception.

Home Care Service

Alcohol abuse:
As per Majid Fotuhi, initiator of NeurExpand Brain Center, alcohol abuse, even splurge drinking for a short period of time when you used to be young, ruins brain cells in sections important for memory and can lead to a persistent memory disorder afterward in life. This state can be reversed sometimes, but can be treated with proper care.

Lack of vitamins:
A lack of certain vitamins, especially B-12, can upshot in bewilderment, confusion, absent-mindedness, and other signs that emulate dementia. Sometimes, due to aging, seniors’ body becomes incapable to retain B-12 resulting in a state known as pernicious anemia. However, this issue is often treatable through regular injections or oral supplements.

Home care Service

These are a few instances of physical problems that could seem like Dementia in your loved one. At CareBridge Home Health Care, we understand that it requires dedicated New Jersey Live In (24hr) Care. Our qualified and sympathetic caregivers can help your loved one by offering them quality care giving that they need. We can also schedule an in-home evaluation to check the level of attention that would be most appropriate for your loved one. For any further inquiry about our live-in (24hr) care services, feel free to reach us at 732-722-7800 FREE.

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Quality Living Assistance and Companion Care Services in New Jersey

There’re several times in life when you may want to consider a home care service. In fact, it’s quite essential to know that living assistance is not limited to the seniors! Just think about those times in life when you or your loved one had undergone surgery! Won’t it have been great to have someone to help you out! How about helping with clothes selection and dresses! These are all tasks that a living assistance service in New Jersey can help with.

The Enormous Benefits of Live-In Home Care Services

The live-in home care services can provide qualified caregivers to support an elderly person in several ways. There’re four common areas, where a caregiver can help you are:


Usually, caregivers can organize and administer medications by monitoring blood pressure, blood sugar levels or other vital signs or can perform wound care, if you’ve any. Even, they will assist you to plan and escort your medical appointments and will help you remember medications.


A certified caregiver is trained enough to help you in selecting clothes and dress. Besides, they can help you in hair styling, makeup application and shaving.


Senior people are often overwhelmed by the requirements of maintaining their home. But with the help of live-in assistance services in New Jersey, you can perform basic housekeeping works like laundry, dishes, vacuuming, bed-making, changing bed linens, dusting, organizing household items and many more.

home health care


A caregiver can become a cherished companion for you, by starting a conversation and engaging you in several fun-filled activities like games, social events, hobbies, crafts, reading and many more.

Important Things to Consider When Choosing a Caregiver For Your Loved One

When choosing a caregiver for your loved one, it’s necessary to know that whether you can completely trust that individual. This issue can be sorted out by selecting the reliable living home assistance services in New Jersey. Some of the characteristics of a good agency are discussed below:

Qualified Personnel

Choose a well-known health care agency that must have qualified employees, who have the necessary certification and experience. Make sure that the agency perfectly screens the employees, insures them and pays them on a regular basis.


A good health care will provide the references or testimonials eagerly, from their previous and current clients.

Wider Choices

Don’t hire such agency which can’t offer you a huge selection of caregivers. A good agency can provide you with several candidates, allowing you to choose the best one you think the best for your family and loved ones. On the other hand, several reputable living assistance services in New Jersey provide a diverse range of caregivers to work for their clients. So with them, finding a caregiver who shares your loved ones’s language, culture or values can be possible. Of course, shared sense of humor or interests can be important, when choosing a caregiver for your loved one!


Finding the best live-in caregiver for your family member can make a huge difference in the quality of life of everyone. The living assistance services in New Jersey of CareBridge Home Health Care can provide you with the necessary support and companionship on-site at all times and rest assured that your family members will get a complete peace of mind after knowing that their loved one have someone to care for!

Quick and Easy Guide for Selecting Your Home Health Care Services

Finding a home health care service provider to attend to your loved ones in certain health conditions can be very difficult. The Better Business Bureau in Mercer County has interacted with specialists in the Home Care industry to share a few useful tips that can help you make the right choice among home health care service providers in Mercer County.

How Effective are Home Health Care Services?

Home care can be provided to all ages of people with different kinds of care needs. Its main focus is to meet the care and health needs of every client. The home health care services in Mercer County vary from hands-off care to personal hands-on. It includes qualified and background checked caregivers to give clients companionship and personalized care along with supervisory attention. Home health care services are provided to people in their private environment – apartment, home, assisted or independent living facility and sometimes even hospitals. Care is offered without any age or time limit. These services can be booked for help with everything from light housekeeping and companionship to personalized care which can be tailored to the needs of the clients. Be sure to check that these services have flexible care giving options so that you can economically plan your time and care. All reliable home care service providers will take the time to discuss with you and plan the kind and level of home care you or your family members need in Mercer County. The home care agency will be deeply involved in your individual care and can help your loved ones live independently even with disabling diagnosis’s such as Parkinson, Dementia, Alzheimer’s and many other diseases. Also, the care is personalized so you can set your own expectations regarding the caregiver’s duties, times and how they interact with your family members in need of home care.

Home Health Care

How to Select Your Home Health Care Services in Mercer County

Most of the home care agencies in this area have their own representatives who come to meet you personally and brief you about their services. Ask him/her whether the agency and its caregivers have the licenses and qualifications to practice home health care. You can meet as many home health care service providers as possible in Mercer County to get the best fit for your caring needs. Here are some basic queries you should have clarified while looking to select a home health care service provider:

  1. Is the home care agency registered, bonded and insured?
  2. What types of care services do they offer?
  3. How many years have they been operating the in business?
  4. Do they have special service offers for special groups?
  5. How strong and effective are their screening and background checks of the caregivers?
  6. Are their caregivers getting updated training?
  7. What are their terms and conditions for emergency care?
  8. Can they ensure a quick replacement if their caregiver does not match with your expectations and requirements?
  9. What is their service cost and how it is to be paid?

Consider hiring home health care services in Mercer County through CareBridge Home Health Care. They offer 24-hour live-in and hourly home care to local residents with professionalism, compassion and quality.

Choosing Home Health Care Agencies in New Jersey

Are you among the many families with aging senior family members in New Jersey wondering how to help them live comfortably and securely at your home? And, you also want them to live independently as possible. The idea of keeping them in an assisted living facility can emotionally drain you, as well as, your finances. But when it comes to personally assisting them in their daily living activities (ADLs) like bathing, cooking, dressing, walking, and shopping you might face some difficulties doing this alone. There is help! In-home health care agencies in NJ can support your senior family members with their health care needs and even provide them with compassionate care along with companionship. They can help you and your family members with the burden of primary health care while maintaining the independence of your loved ones at home.

As your aging family members start to decline and become more dependent on others for their day-to-day living, the necessity for at-home health care agencies in New Jersey becomes apparent. With qualified and trained health care providers (Home Health Aides), these agencies can continuously serve the health care needs of seniors and help them live comfortably in the home setting. Even if they are suffering from various memory and physical diseases such as Alzheimer or Parkinson, you can expect these agencies to respond with a custom tailored health plan to meet the special or individual health care needs of your loved ones.

Home health care

Choosing In-Home Health Care Agencies in NJ
In the majority of cases seniors would like to spend the remainder of their life in their own homes and remain independent as much as possible. Their home is the place where their memories and their comfort level resides. It’s one of the main things that most people are very much attached to. It brings them a sense of family and self satisfaction that is hard to find in a new atmospheres such as Nursing facilities.

With in-home health care agencies in New Jersey, you can assist them to be independent as long as they can. Independence is an emotional feeling which needs to be supported and strengthened as we age. For example, your loved one has a knee replacement or heart surgery, rather than getting admitted into a nursing home for care, you can bring him or her back to their own home, where a screened and professional health care provider helps him/her in recovery. The home health agency will then match the aide to the family’s preference and to the family member’s home health care needs. As a result he/she feels optimal comfort and safety while healing at home. All of these benefits of home care assist him/her to lead a better lifestyle even while dealing with the physical and emotional challenges of poor health conditions.

Another benefit is that after receiving support through in-home health care agencies in NJ, seniors will hopefully require less frequency of doctor visits. Also, people dealing with Dementia or Alzheimer’s can have the opportunity to live as independent as possible through proper supervised care.

If you need solutions for your loved ones health issues including facility for companionship, home health aides and personalized health care, then please check out Carebridge Home Health Care which is one of the state licensed home health agencies in New Jersey. They can provide health care aides to support your family members with their ADLs and continuous health care.